Visual Automation

PCCustom offers a range of services to help property owners ensure that their gates are operating safely and efficiently

PCC AUTOMATION specialize in repairing, servicing, and upgrading automated gates and barriers to ensure they meet current BSEN 12453 safety standards. Automated gates are a popular feature in many residential and commercial properties, but they can pose significant safety risks if they are not properly maintained or updated.

This business offers a range of services to help property owners ensure that their gates are operating safely and efficiently. This includes repairing any issues with the gate’s mechanics or electronics, conducting regular maintenance to keep the gate in top condition, and upgrading the gate’s safety features to meet current standards.

In addition, the business also issues safety compliance certificates, risk assessments force and function tests to demonstrate that the gate meets all necessary safety requirements. This can be particularly important for commercial properties, where safety standards are typically more rigorous.

By offering these services, we helps property owners ensure that their automated gates are safe, reliable, and compliant with all relevant regulations. This not only reduces the risk of accidents or injuries, but also helps to prolong the lifespan of the asset and minimize repair costs over time.

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